How to advertise your raffle on Meta (and not get rejected)

Jul 9, 2024

Ah yes, the ever-frustrating “REJECTION” email from Meta.  

What'd we do this time?(Or is it just another scammer posing as Meta? Even better. 🤪) 

If you run a raffle program and you're trying to spread the word with Meta (aka Facebook and Instagram), you may notice they're increasingly cracking down on “gambling”-related ads.

Well, charitable raffles aren't just run-of-the-mill gambling, they're fundraisers for a crucial cause.

But with algorithms and AI reviewing then accepting or rejecting these ads... There's not always an opportunity to explain.

Lucky for us, though, Meta implemented an application process for groups who want to advertise their charitable raffles (or other gambling-related activities) on Facebook and Instagram. 

If you know Meta could help generate new raffle supporters but you're a little lost filling out the form...

Here's your (totally unofficial) guide to applying for permission to advertise gambling on Meta.

DISCLAIMER: This "how to" guide is solely based on Rafflebox's experience seeing charitable raffles apply for permission to advertise their programs on Meta. We are not Meta experts, are not affiliated with Meta, do not offer application consultation services, and do not guarantee these tips will gain approval for your account.

Overview of Meta application for permission to advertise gambling

The application has four sections:

- Part 1: About you and your ad account

- Part 2: URL and target territory

- Part 3: Online gambling/gaming type and licence(s)/legal memo

- Page 4: Declaration

Part 2 is the most involved section (but don't worry, we laid it out as simple as possible.)

Part 1: Confirm which account(s) you're running ads from

Screen capture of the section that outlines part 1 of the Meta application for permission to advertise gambling

You'll need your:

- Business Manager account ID(s)

- Ad account ID(s)

Your Business Manager account ID is under "Pages" and your ad account ID is under "Ad accounts":

Elizabeth - Social media squares (18)

Then, select "operator" as the "advertiser activity" (since you're the one with the lottery licence and it's your Meta Business page, you're the operator.)

Part 2: Confirm the URL(s) you're leading to

Meta blog 2

You'll need:

- URLs you're leading to

- Screenshots of every view of your raffle page

- Supporting documents that prove the raffle, Rafflebox platform, and links are legitimate

URLs to include:

- Your Rafflebox link (i.e.

- Any vanity URLs that redirect to your Rafflebox link (i.e.

- The URL when you click "purchase"/the checkout URL (i.e.

Screenshots to include:

Meta needs to review every single page on your Rafflebox link, including the address bar to confirm the URL matches the ones you submit above. Here's what your screenshots should look like:

Food Depot 1
Food Depot 2
Food Depot 3-1
Food Depot 4-2
Food Depot 5-1
Food Depot 6-1
Food Depot 7-1
Food Depot 8-1

Add all screenshots to "supporting documents file upload" section (there's another box for your actual documents, like licences).

Documents to attach:

- Add documents to "any additional supporting documents" section

- Copy and paste Rafflebox's registration number to operate in your region (found here) into the "additional comments" box

Meta appl 1

From Rafflebox:

- Rafflebox's GLI certification confirmation (screenshot from this page)
- Rafflebox's terms of use
- Rafflebox's security commitment
- Rafflebox's privacy policy

From your organization:

- Lottery licence
- Document confirming your charitable status (including registration number)
- Document with your raffle rules (identical to the text on your raffle page)

Part 3: Confirm what you're advertising (and that you're licensed to do it)

Meta blog 3

To complete this section:

- Select "YES" to confirm you need a licence

- Attach your lottery licence as a PDF and select "Declaration confirmed"

Part 4: Submit your application

Meta blog 4

Here's where they remind you not to "resubmit" your application if you already have one processing. (We can confirm, it'll just slow things down.)

Find new raffle supporters with Meta ads

Ready to apply for permission to run ads for your raffle? Get to it, here's the application.

And if you're not running a raffle yet but now you want to... Get in touch.